
I just saw your twin, probably taller, same age, almost same hair, same eyes, same beard. You but at 3 hours and 15 minutes from your place.

I was looking for a place to eat. To have a proper meal, maybe more than a good one to discover something different, to connect again with « la gastronomie française » that I put aside after the break. I took some time to walk the same street, just to be sure of the meal, of the place, to not be trapped by a « fake fancy » restaurant where the food is expensive and awful.

I saw you in that guy, better dressed, drinking « champagne »… I saw you there and I wanted to meet you again… I chose that table near to the window just to look a little bit… He knew, he saw me, I saw him. He left, I enjoy my food, I enjoy the view, I enjoy my favorite wine, remembered things, taste… I remembered that I’m born to enjoy food, and wine, and life. I discovered me, here, alone, enjoying a gastronomic meal. In a place full of history, in a place that I’ve never have been before.

I’m here remembering me that everything that I love I can do it by myself.. it’s going to be rough to be used to eat, drink and maybe to be in a hotel room alone. I hope to be used to watch outside the window or my cellphone instead of having a good conversation. But this is me now, it’s going to be me and just me for a long long time.

Publié par Mi vida en cuatro tiempos

Escribo para responder a la necesidad creativa de compartir reflexiones, aventuras y algunas historias personales. J'Ă©cris pour exprimer plein d'idĂ©es ou de rĂ©flexions qu’occupent ma tĂȘte quotidiennement. Ce Blog contient aussi quelques histoires personnelles.

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